Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Now, isn't that an original title?

Things were pretty quiet around here. In the past (going back 10 years or so) this neighborhood sounded like a war zone, often starting as early as 11:30 and lasting the better part of an hour. We've had some real firepower shot off (automatic and semi-automatic, along with the occasional shotgun and assault weapon), but this year there were only a few gunshots (we had some for Christmas, too).

There were plenty of public service announcements warning folks about shooting in the air -- and the local police have installed "gunshot sensors" around the city that can triangulate within 30 seconds.

There were plenty of 'illegal' fireworks, though. Bottle rockets, firecrackers and the like.

I was in bed by 12:30 -- such is the life of us pedos veijos.

Fido, on the other hand, is very much a young whipper-snapper. He insists on climbing up on the printer. This morning he somehow managed to hit the 'copy' button and then tried to grab the paper as it fed through, causing a major paper-jam. I've tried double-sided tape (he likes it) and now have an old, upside-down egg carton stuck to the top. He just side-steps it.

Of course, once he gets into trouble, he runs over to his current favorite toy -- one of those yellow Livestrong bracelets with an old sweatpants drawstring tied on. He'll bring it over and drop it into your lap -- ready to play a game of fetch. That's right -- I've got a cat with a dog's name who likes to play a dog's game. Oh well, I guess things could be worse (like maybe starting to bark?)

Well, be good. Or at least be careful.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the bloggy world. My cat is entranced by the printer, too.
